Fairies in the Glade By J.D. Blackrose The child ran through the woods, slightly ahead of her father. She had long, rich chocolate hair that glinted slightly red in the sunshine. Her little legs churned with excitement and she let out a glorious tinkle of laughter as she ran. She brimmed with innocence and joy,…
Shayne Silvers’ Guest Post: Author of the Nate Temple Series
I asked Shayne Silvers, author of the Nate Temple series, to talk to us about how he created his character. If Batman and Harry Dresden had a baby, it would be Nate. I recently discovered the series and have loved all three books. Shayne also is generous to his readers with free books available. Go…
New Story, Witch Blossoms, in Romance Magazine
My short romance story as J.D. Blackrose is out now. Three local witches conspire to set their friend up with returning hometown football hero, Nick Turner.
Let’s Extend the Fun: Excerpt From David B. Coe’s Children of Amarid
Wow! Hey kids, I got really lucky and was offered a chance to post an excerpt from David B. Coe’s Children of the Amarid to follow yesterday’s post. Enjoy! Baden lay down beside the fire, and Jaryd did the same, not bothering this night to pull out his sleeping roll. The Owl-Master’s breathing soon slipped into…
Children of Amarid by David B. Coe Re-Release!
About CHILDREN OF AMARID: CHILDREN OF AMARID is the first volume of the LonTobyn Chronicle, David B. Coe’s Crawford Award-winning debut series. This is the Author’s Edit of the original book. For a millennium the Children of Amarid have served the people of Tobyn-Ser. Drawing upon the Mage-Craft, which flows from the psychic bond they forge…
My Interview with Patricia Briggs!
I had the marvelous opportunity to speak with the incomparable Patricia Briggs while attending DragonCon. This is me with her. (I’m the short one!) Note her T-shirt…”To protect against the nudge.” You can listen to the whole interview below. Warning: Smack dab in the middle there is a break in the sound…just let it play…
Today is my birthday and I’m acknowledging it by sharing this part of my story. I sit in the bathroom, lips numb and fingers tingling. I can’t breathe and while I know I’m not dying, I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. I know, just know, that something bad is going to happen….
Jennifer Estep’s New Gin Blanco book–Unraveled, Excerpt and Giveaway
Excerpt! UNRAVELED – excerpt #13 I cursed. Even though I wanted to rush inside the mansion, I forced myself to slow down and approach the patio doors with caution, just in case she might be lying in wait to try to kill me too. I also grabbed hold of even more of my Stone…
So, This Happened!
2016 Anthology Contest Winners Announced! Recently updated ! This entry was posted on August 18, 2016 From Possibilities Publishing House: (I’m JD Blackrose) We are thrilled to announce the roster of authors who will make up our second annual anthology, Besties, Bromances & Soulmates: Stories About Pivotal Relationships. We received many interesting and engaging…
More Library Punk! The Invisible Library Series by Genvieve Cogman
There are so many things to like and say about Genvieve Cogman’s Invisible Library series, which continues with the release of the second book, The Masked City. Regular readers will remember that I wrote a blog post about Librarypunk as a new subgenre. You can read that post here. At the time, I had just…