This is an excerpt from Demon Kissed, Chapter 4. “The lower level looked like any library, with its checkout counter, reference desk, and librarians who wore reading glasses perched on their noses. Sunlight streamed in through the archway windows except for the center pane, where a medium-sized stained glass suncatcher turned the light into rainbows…
Unboxing Demon Kissed!
This is the video of me unboxing my author copies of Demon Kissed. My mother-in-law, husband, and sister-in-law were in the room. Darin Kennedy, author, friend, and beta reader extraordinaire, was on the. phone. As you can see, I totally geeked out.
Last Minute Gift Ideas I Personally Love!
Last minute gift ideas I personally love! Do you have readers in your house? A Shakespeare aficionado? Fat cats? A chef? I’ve got some ideas for you. Read about in my latest enewsletter HERE. And just for blog readers, let me add a few more ideas. For the artsy, craftsy person in your life, consider…
Stuff Your Kindle This Holiday Season
Just give in and give it a go. Stuff your kindle this holiday season. Free reads for all types of readers. Try a new genre. Check out a new author. It’s all available. CLICK HERE:
Jean Rabe’s Piper Blackwell Series Now Available in Audiobook
Jean Rabe’s Piper Blackwell series now available in audiobook. DEAD OF WINTER, DEAD OF NIGHT, and now, DEAD OF SUMMER, have been converted into ear candy (or, audiobooks) for your listening enjoyment. DEAD OF WINTER In a deceptively peaceful county, a murderer hides in plain sight.Fifty-eight minutes into her first day on the job, 23-year-old…
Courageous Candles is Number One
Courageous Candles Number One New Release on Amazon Courageous Candles Number One! So pleased to announce that Courageous Candles, a Hannukah story written by me and my brother, Rabbi Joseph B. Meszler and illustrated by the fabulous Kris Graves, is an Amazon #1 New Release in its category. Also available at Barnes and Nobles. Links…
Junkyard Bargain by Faith Hunter
Junkyard Bargain by Faith Hunter is a thrill ride with a tough as nails heroine and a few psychic cats. A don’t miss! Second Book Junkyard Bargain is the second book in Hunter’s series about Shining Smith, a not-so-human woman who guards a scrapyard that is more than it seems. If you haven’t read book…
David B. Coe’s Book, Radiants, is Brilliant
Do I feel lucky? Huh? Do I? YES! I do feel lucky. I have a peek at David B. Coe’s new book, Radiants, and it is well named. You’re going to want to pick this one up. It comes out October 15. (Links below) Below, DeDe explains to us who she is and what she…
Interview with Amanda Twigg
I have a guest post today from my good friend, Linda Robertson Reinhardt. Check it out. Hello! Huge thanks to J.D. Blackrose for giving me the chance to share my interview with you. I’m Linda Robertson Reinhardt. I’ve been published as Linda Roberston (a few novels and a handful of short stories in various anthologies—I…