Faith Hunter’s True Dead is true fun. And, truly good. If you’re a fan of Hunter’s work, and you should be, then you know that a Certain Someone died and left the Mithran world in chaos, Jane as the Dark Queen, Bruiser as Onorio Supersized, and a whole passel of enemies local and foreign. Those…
Interview with C.E. Murphy About Practical Boots
I really wanted to do an interview with C.E. Murphy About Practical Boots! Graciously, she sat down for an interview with me at the end of June but because of, you know…LIFE…it took this long to bring it to you. (FYI, links are affiliate links which means if you purchase off of this page, Amazon…
A Terrible Fall of Angels by Laurell K. Hamilton Is So Much Better Than I Expected
A Terrible Fall of Angels by Laurell K. Hamilton is so much better than I expected. In fact, I really enjoyed it. I gave up on Anita Blake long ago. So, when I got this Advanced Reader Copy (ARC), I opened it with trepidation. Would it be another sexed up, threesome-heavy, and ultimately boring, paranormal…
Agent Zero by Janet Walden-West
Agent Zero by Janet Walden-West combines combines action with passion. He is a chef with an attitude and the Instagram to match. She is a secret military cryptid hunter. Our chef finds himself in a situation he can’t control, but our heroine knows what to do and has to keep him in-line to keep him…
Write First, Worry Later About Publishing
I wrote a blog post entitled Starting from Ground Negative One. It addresses the very earliest steps a person needs to know to get started writing, when you are so ignorant of the writing and publishing process that you feel you are behind Ground Zero. I’m writing this as a follow-up. Your new motto: Write…
The Soul Wars Has A New Cover
The Soul Wars has a new cover! If you liked True Blood, and thought, “Hey, this could be even better if it had a Valkyrie and a flying horse,” this book is for you. Here’s the description: After more than three centuries of war and chaos, all the vampire Gaspard wants is time and peace…
Stephen Blackmoore’s Bottle Demon
Stephen Blackmoore’s Bottle Demon releases on May 4th, and if you are a fan of his writing, you’ll want to get it. If you don’t know who Stephen Blackmoore is then you are in for a treat. But, start with the first one in this series so you can follow the storyline. It is his…
Librarypunk is Growing in Volumes
Librarypunk is growing in volumes as new books celebrate libraries as portals to magical worlds inhabited by fascinating characters. In 2015, I wrote a blog post about what I called Librarypunk, a trend of magical books tied to libraries. Jim Hines’ Magic Ex Libris series, Rachel Caine’s Ink and Bone series* and Genevieve Cogman’s Invisible…
The Soul Wars and The Devil’s Been Busy are Audiobooks.
Just a reminder that both The Soul Wars and The Devil’s Been Busy are audiobooks! Link to the Soul Wars here on Audible (or Audible UK). This link is universal so it will automatically take you where you need to go. Or The Devil’s Been Busy here.
Bloodlaced by Courtney Maguire: A New Vampire Myth
Bloodlaced by Courtney Maguire is a stunning reflection on gender fluidity and a fresh reflection on the vampire mythos. The Bloodlaced Story: A New Vampire Myth Set in Japan, Asagi, a man and a woman, is enslaved, sold by their mother after their father dies. They are slaves in an abusive household lead by a…