Enchanted bows, nitpicking witches, and interloping demonettes combine with a babysitting gorilla, a protective magical wolf, and a phoenix masquerading as a...search-and-rescue pony combine to make young Devi Friedman's birthday one for the ages in the hilarious conclusion to Monster Hunter Mom Season One!
Jess Friedman has enough on her mind with a passel of kindergarten-aged girls running around the house. The last thing she needs is a dark elf bent on revenge showing up on her doorstep. No wait, maybe the last thing she needs is a cop on her doorstep looking for Rocko, the gorilla who escaped from the zoo and might or might not be hiding in her back yard. Or maybe the last thing she needs is a pair of pissed-off female demons crashing the party.
And did we mention that a cupid is inhabiting her toddler son's body?
Yeah, THAT was the last thing she needed.
End of the Line brings Monster Hunter Mom Season One to a rollicking, action-packed conclusion, while setting up more and bigger battles for Season Two.
4 stars: Another Winner!
I discovered the monster hunter genre about a year and a half ago, and Ms. B's heroine, Jess, is a hoot! These books are all very well written, have characters who remain true to their personalities throughout, and whose interactions with others are believable. The plots are original and well developed, and very twisty-turney. In this book, Jess seems a little more manic and frenetic than in the others, but not quite to the point of being objectionable. I love her balancing act with husband, children, home, and monster hunting. Thank you, Ms. B, and thank you for putting it on Kindle Unlimited. More, please!