The creepiest story I’ve ever written, Feed the Stove, is in this anthology. You’re going to want to read it, so watch for the Kickstarter launch so you can back this project and get a copy for yourself.
Interview with Shayne, Cameron, and Lane_DragonCon2018_Part 3
Here is the final part of the Shayne, Cameron, Lane interview from DragonCon 2018. Finally, Lane gets a word in edgewise over those two loudmouths. 😉 Interview with Shayne, Cameron and Lane. Part 3. Joelle Reizes (JD Blackrose): Shayne lets go back to your process… Shayne Silvers: Mm-hmm Joelle: …because, I think, and…
Monster Hunter Mom Season One is up for preorder! The Devil’s Been Busy
What’s a Jewish mom of three to do when she works for the Vatican killing monsters? Slay them all, except for the few she befriends or teaches to read. Preorder your ebook now. Please. You’ll like it. Seriously.
Kim Harrison Interview and NEW BOOK Announcement
I conducted an interview with Kim Harrison, author of the bestselling Hollows series and she announced a new book! This book is out today and is from Subterranean Press. It is an different world with new characters. Here is the link: I asked Kim about her writing process, her knitting, and her unexpected…
End of the Line, the final book in Season One of the Monster Hunter Mom series is HERE
Today is launch day for End of the Line, the final book in Monster Hunter Mom Season One! What can scare a woman who has faced down vampires, kitsune, were-gorillas, and demons? Yup – a little girl’s birthday party. Jess Friedman isn’t just Cleveland’s official Monster Hunter for the Roman Catholic Church (a…
Interview with Shayne Silvers, Cameron O’Connell, and Lane Hamilton_DragonCon 2018, Part 2
This is a continuation of the DragonCon interview with Shayne Silvers, Cameron O’Connell, and Lane Hamilton. I had just asked if there were any serious challenges to working together on the tight timeline they’ve established. (Thanks again to Michelle and Barb for the transcription support.) Cameron Answer: Uhm… not really at all, uh…
Can Gail Martin Write an Epic Fantasy that Isn’t Epic Length?
Gail Martin is a master of epic fantasy, but can she write an epic that isn’t epic length? I asked her to discuss that with us as we welcome Scourge and Vengeance to our favorite books here at Does Size Really Matter? What Makes Epic Fantasy…Epic? By Gail Z. Martin I…
Big Bird Gave Me A Feather
I shoved and pushed my way through the lines, twenty people deep, to find a square foot of space unoccupied by an excited fan. I was in the Walk of Fame at DragonCon, an annual celebration of all things geeky and nerdy that takes place in Atlanta every Labor Day weekend. I attend to take part in the Writer’s Track,…
Interview with Shayne Silvers, Cameron O’Connell and Lane Hamilton_Part 1 (DragonCon 2018)
Hi Everyone! Here is the first part of my interview with Shayne, Cameron, and Lane that I did at DragonCon 2018. I’d like to thank Michelle Duffy and Barb Wolf for their help creating the transcripts. (Warning: Spoilers!) Interview with Shayne, Cameron and Lane. Part 1. Joelle Reizes (JD Blackrose): Hi. Ok, so as…
Steel Time by J.L Gribble
This past week, book 4 of the Steel Empires urban fantasy/alternate series is released! In a world with vampires, warrior-mages, weredragons, and sarcastic violin players, time travel seems like the obvious next step. Read on for more information about Steel Time, by J.L. Gribble ABOUT THE BOOK You’re never too young or too old…