Bloodlaced Kanjin hardly view their servants as human. Even less so when they are different. Asagi is different. Both a man and a woman. In the wake of his failure to protect a boy he saw as a son from their abusive master, Asagi is sold into the house of a young nobleman, Mahiro, who is…
Author: JDBlackrose
Announcing the Pluck & Cover Blog Tour
Pluck & Cover is going on Tour! Several wonderful blogs will be hosting excerpts and reviews of the novella and there will be PRIZES. To see where the blog tour stops are, go here:
Cover Reveal: Dr. Cushing’s Chamber of Horror’s by Stephen D. Sullivan
The monsters aren’t only in the museum! Despite a lifetime of traveling with their father to collect strange artifacts, twins Topaz and Opal Cushing have never fully believed in monsters or the supernatural. Oh, sure, they share an eerie psychic connection, and their tarot card readings often come true, but… Werewolves? Vampires? Living mummies? None…
Peace Talks, By Jim Butcher
(This review was originally sent in my enewsletter on release day, July 14). I got an early review copy of Peace Talks and had to hold my tongue until today, release day. If you are a fan, like I am, you’ll race through it until the … end? See, this is half a book, which…
Spells for the Dead by Faith Hunter
Superstar Stella Mae Ragel dies in a mysterious way and PsyLed is called in to investigate. Naturally, Nell Ingram’s talents of reading the land are an important part of solving the case. As with all of Hunter’s books, the plot is a complex mix of traditional sleuthing and the unique paranormal magic that is the…
Jean Rabe’s The Dead of Jerusalem Ridge: Excerpt Five
We welcome writer Jean Rabe to SlipperyWords today with an excerpt from. her new book, The Dead of Jerusalem Ridge. We are lucky enough to get an excerpt! Thank you, Jean, for sharing your new book with us. About the book: Sheriff Piper Blackwell’s three-day vacation with old Army buddies ends in tragedy. At the same…
Baby Robin and I are happy to announce that I just signed a three book deal with BellBridge books for a new urban fantasy series. Can’t say much more about it now other than I am thrilled to be working with Deb Dixon and superstar editor Brenda Chin, and am working hard to make these…
The Curse of Billy the Kid by Tamsin Silver
I met Tamsin Silver at my first DragonCon and she and I became fast friends immediately. I’ve read sections of this book in different formats. Heard parts of it in various readings, and talked about it with her over the years. This three part series is a labor of love and it is my extreme…
Lucienne Diver’s DISAPPEARED
I asked Lucienne Diver to write about what drove her to write her new YA thriller, Disappeared, and what she learned writing it. This book is already receiving wide acclaim with none other than Jonathan Maberry saying, ““DISAPPEARED is a wonderfully creepy read! Full of devious twists and filled with characters who are so real you genuinely…